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09.02.2018 new server s3 e1 + s4-s7 items buyrun


3 Ocak 2018
Despina Mu 5000x Server is online.We are plased to invite you to our second server, build for those who missed good old days PVP %99.9 Uptime that won't be closed after months or a year.


WEBSITE: www.despinamu.com

Mixed Build season 3 Episode 1 with 3D View increased / optimized FX and more
Exp rate 5000x | drop rate 80x
Server hosting location is Germany
Original MonsterIndependent values ( HP/DEF/ATK)
Maximum status point limit is 3276 [ 5-7 ]
Ingame reset, addpoint ,move commands and more!
You can collect rena while you are hunting on the field and exchange them with exelenct ring box of kundun ( up to +4 ) Jewel of luck/skil and level 1 wings at event NPC
Collect Jewel of soul to exchange them with exelent item, there is no webshop and credit.
Every hour, Tarkan golden monster event will be taken place that you can drop box of kundun +5 [ only bok +5 drop excellent items
Exp rate is increasing with a party!
Centralized anti Cheat System working on both client and server side.
Centralized and well balanced classes each class durable and enjoyeble.
Loren pvp ring has been removed.
International community with English support.
Vıp -No Vıp PVP that you can chalenge against other players with betting your items on GM observation.
There is no full options items that you can get easily more you play more you get strengthened
Every saturday and sunday gm will exchange your jewel of soul with requested items.
/pickup command is only active at weekends.
Every change on server rates and settings decided with the user community to provide safe sacure and playable content to our mutizens.


1000 Souls = Season 1,2,3 Sets ( with 3 exe opt)1750 Souls = Season 4 Sets ( with 3 exe opt)2000 Souls = Season 7 Sets ( with 3 exe opt)500 Souls = Season 1,2,3 Swords/Shields/Staffs etc ( with 3 exe opt.)750 Souls = Season 4 Swords/Shields/Staffs etc ( with 3 exe opt)1000 Souls = Season 7 Swords/Shields/Staffs etc ( with 3 exe opt)3600 Souls = Mace of the King/ Mace of Emperor (with 4 exe opt)3600 Souls = Flame of Despina ( with 4 exe opt)700 Souls = 3rd Level Wings with 3 opt.1200 Souls = Level 4 Wings with 2 opt500 Souls = Rings and Pendants ( with 3 exe opt)( if you have 2-3 part of set just let me know
Prize will be 300 soul for s4 each part and 400 soul for s7 each part )
-2500 Souls = Change Class