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Black Pearl Online 110 Cap CH / EU Labor Server

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan Deepblue
  • Başlangıç tarihi Başlangıç tarihi


~More Than Blue~
18 Nis 2007


[TABLE="width: 800, align: center"]

Black Pearl Online Foreword:

Black Pearl Online was first launched on 16 September 2011 with the Infinity server name. This server has the title of the first Turkish Silkroad Private Server opened at the same time. With this server we succeeded in establishing the foundations of an epic that people would talk about for many years.

The success we achieved with our first private server has inspired many people and has started a non-stopping private server opening chain. With this current we have started a huge acceleration and competition in private server openings and by time this situtation leaded to where that people have taken sides against each other and attacking each other. Back then the possibilities and conditions were very limited, there were no Guards and DDoS solutions or very inadequate. As a result of these side effects we took a break for a long time for private server business because of the heavy attacks on our game because we did not want to cause any troubles to our players and to victimize them.

On 26 May 2017 we opened our Stardust named 80 Cap Only CH server as a result of the intense demands from our old players and signed another record which is very hard to break on the world. On our Stardust server we reached 7200+ instant online players and we were able to play this audience without any lag or delay issues.

After the success of our 80 Cap server, we evaluated the request of 110 cap which is heavily requested from us, and that day came finally. Here is the server we have prepared for you 110 Cap Server "Sunshine":

On our this server we did not want to make too many edits and distort the originality of the game except some minor adjustments and balances on our server. Because we want to give you a real Silkroad experience that is far from superfluous and offer a server that will last for a very long time.

Mob spawn rate is 3x to iSRO.

Mobs will respawn again just 2 seconds after their death.

All the slots are fuller and you can comfortably grinding without slot problem.

Server Details

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 600, align: center"]
[TD]Level Cap[/TD]
[TD]Mastery Lvl[/TD]
[TD]Exp & Sp Rate[/TD]
[TD]Drop Rate[/TD]
[TD]Gold Rate[/TD]
[TD]Job Rate[/TD]
[TD]Alchemy Rate[/TD]
[TD]Exhange Bug[/TD]
[TD]Guild Limit[/TD]
[TD]Union Limit[/TD]
[TD]IP Limit[/TD]
[TD]Fortress War[/TD]
[TD]Sunday 20:00 Turkey Time (First Fw: 08.10.2017)[/TD]
[TD]Fortress War Reg.[/TD]
[TD]Pill Bug[/TD]
[TD]Guild Penalty (3 days)[/TD]
[TD]Job Penalty (7 days)[/TD]
[TD]Max Plus Limit[/TD]
[TD](+12) without adv.[/TD]
[TD]Center Town[/TD]
[TD]Battle Arena[/TD]

Premium Specs

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500, align: center"]
[TD]Physical Damage Abp/Inc[/TD]
[TD]Magical Damage Abp/Inc[/TD]
[TD]Attack Rate[/TD]
[TD]Parry Rate[/TD]
[TD]Alchemy prob[/TD]
Start Items:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 389, align: center"]
[TD]5 pcs Moving Speed scroll[/TD]
[TD]10 pcs Reverse Return scroll[/TD]
[TD]5000 HP Potions[/TD]
[TD]5000 MP Potions[/TD]
[TD]10 pcs Return scroll[/TD]
[TD]5 pcs 60% Resurrection scroll[/TD]
[TD]200K SP[/TD]
[TD]100K Gold[/TD]


[TABLE="class: grid, width: 389, align: center"]
[TD]Pot: 1000[/TD]
[TD]Tablet: 100[/TD]
[TD]Stone: 100[/TD]
[TD]Elixir: 50[/TD]
[TD]Element: 5000[/TD]
[TD]Arrow: 10000[/TD]


E-Mail account activation:

Membership of our 110 Cap server will required mail activation, please make sure you are entering a valid e-mail address during the registration process.

We've aimed reduce proxies, academy abusements, etc. issues a bit with mail activation are aimed to reduce the situations that would cause unfair revenues.

This measure may not have any effect, maybe it will be more beneficial than we expected, we will wait and see.​



About grinding / leveling up? :

Labor and time are foreground our on our server. Players who spend more time and effort will naturally be in a superior position to other players. So the grinding system on our server and the exp balance are set to be a bit difficult. But do not worry, we estimate that you will be able to reach max level in about 2-3 weeks. At the same time we have made some touhces that would provide you some advantages while grinding.
1-9 dg sos items can be found on npc's with full blue state. In this way you will be able to reach to 100 Lv much more comfortably. We aware of that this may spoil the originality a little but we do not want to bother you too much with the insufficiency of mobs and slots.

All players will be able to reach 101 level easily and without any item problems but after 101 level you are on your own. After 101 level the real challenge and struggle of the game will begin. At that point items will be very valuable no doubt. So, be ready for a tough adventure and struggle.



Proxy Reduction Precautions :

The use of proxies disrupts the configuration of all private servers, and unfortunately it can not be prevented. We've faced with this problem on our 80 cap server, and all other private servers facing with it intensively at the moment. To be honest, there is no way to prevent proxy usage 100%.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to implement the pc limit system for the client problems experienced on our server. There will be ip limit system instead. We are well aware of that the ip limit system can be bypassed easily with proxies therefore we never can guarantee providing you a server with zero proxy but we can promise you that we will fight and do our best to reduce proxy usages on our server.

Two important work we have done to reduce proxy usage:

1-) Manpower:
We got 2 new colleagues for our team. The priority and most important tasks of these friends will be to check and track the proxy usages in the game. They will notify us of the proxies they have identified and we will banish these accounts unlimitedly.

2-) Technical Work:There are certain ip blocks that the proxy service providers serve, we have blocked the ip blocks of all the known proxy services on the our game guard, so that many proxy service providers are unable to function on our server. However, there are services that are not included in this list, and if they are still available, they will try to keep track of our team members who are in the proxy hunt.




How to get Sun, Nova, Immortaly, Desturction, Power and Fight items?:

Sun: You can get 10 dg all weapons, gears and accessories from drops only. (These itemse added to 90-100 lvl all mobs.)

Nova: You can get 11 dg all weapons, gears and accessories in 3 ways. First way; You can get them from 101-110 lvl all mobs by drops. Secdon way; You can get them from Holly Water Temple uniqs by a low luck rate as drop. And the last way; You can get them from Job Cave uniqs as drop. (Nova items are going to be valuable on our server, so nova rates adjusted a little hard, its not very easy to get them.)

Power: You can get power weapons from the most entertaining event of the game FGW by collecting talismans. Once you have completed to collecting necessary talismans you will be given a choice to choose the desired weapon you want. You can get power weapons only by collection talismans there is no another way of it and you can get shields as drop from Sereness.

Fight: As in the original game you can get them from Sereness as drop with a rate and balance close to the iSRO.

Immortaly: You can get them from Roc, Haroeris and Seth uniqs as drop with 5% luck rate / chance. Also you can get them by coins which you can collect from Job Cave and Battle Arena.

Desturction: Every week once on a specified day you can get them from roc uniqs as drops with 15% luck rate / chance. Also you can get them from Job Cave uniqs as drops and by coins wich you can collect from Job Cave and Battle Arena.

FGW: Stones will be sold with gold in NPCs. We also removed the "envy mob" which we thought would force you.

Tablet: There will be stone drop in game with a small luck rate / chance. For adding blues on your items you can buy tablets from npc's and craft them with elements that you got from item destroying.

Avatar: We will be adding new avatars every week with weekly server inspections.

Gold Coin: You can use these coins for getting Immortaly and Destruction sets. You can get them from Job Cave and Holy Water Temple uniqs also from Medusa.

Silver Coin: You can use these coins for getting Immortaly and Destruction sets. You can get them from Job Cave and Holy Water Temple uniqs also from Medusa.

Iron Coin: You can use these coins for getting Immortaly and Destruction sets. You can get them from Job Cave and Holy Water Temple uniqs also from Medusa.

Arena Coin: You can use these coins only for getting 11 dg Myth and Legend accessories. You can get them only from Battle Arena. (These coins are non-tradable.)

Capture The Flag: From this event you can get stuffs that you would need for daily usage such is scrolls, HP and MP Potions etc... Also you can get Copper coins aswell from this event.

Copper Coin: You can get these coins from the Capture The Flag event per kill and from Job Cave & HWT Temple uniqs. With this coin you can all special items on "Umit Baba" Npc.


Some Special Items and Their Coin Requirements:

Myth Accessories

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 300"]
[TD]300 Arena Coin[/TD]
[TD]450 Iron Coin[/TD]
[TD]325 Arena Coin[/TD]
[TD]475 Iron Coin[/TD]
[TD]350 Arena Coin[/TD]
[TD]500 Iron Coin[/TD]
Legend Accessories (Non-Tradable - Charbound)

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 300"]
[TD]550 Arena Coin[/TD]
[TD]700 Iron Coin[/TD]
[TD]600 Arena Coin[/TD]
[TD]750 Iron Coin[/TD]
[TD]650 Arena Coin[/TD]
[TD]800 Iron Coin[/TD]
Desc Set

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 300"]
[TD]400 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]850 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]400 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]850 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]400 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]850 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]325 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]750 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]325 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]750 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]325 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]750 Silver Coin[/TD]
Immo Set

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 300"]
[TD]750 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]1250 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]750 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]1250 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]750 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]1250 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]675 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]1100 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]675 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]1100 Silver Coin[/TD]
[TD]675 Gold Coin[/TD]
[TD]1100 Silver Coin[/TD]

Job System

Job System: You can full your caravan with 30m gold at 110 level max slot.

Trader: Jangan > Downhang/Downhang - Hotan : 30m profit - Jangan > Hotan 70m profit.

Thief: In order to prevent from the system abusement thieves can sell goods lesser than the price of goods purchased from NPC.

Chinese Char Reinforcement (CH / EU Balance)

In the direction of extreme demands and requests from our players we have compensated for the imbalance between Chinese and European chars by making some adjustment on the skills of Chinese chars.

In the images below you can see the old state of the skills on the left and the balanced state on the right after the balanced state.


- Cold Skills Adjustments


- Fire Skills Adjustments


- Light Skills Adjustments


- Force Skills Adjustments




Open Beta:

06 September 2017 - 20:00

As the Black Pearl Online Team we have been working with our team members for a long time on closed beta and purified our game from all superficial problems. However, we need an open beta process to do all the tests with more people in order to be sure that everything is completely smooth. We hope there be the necessary attention and participation for open beta and we will do a good job together by contributing to the problem-free game experience.



⌚ Battle Arena Hours:

All hours are adjusted to Turkish time (GMT +3).

You can not joing to these events unless you are 110 level.

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 300, align: center"]


⌚ Capture The Flag Hours:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 180, align: center"]

⌚ Job Cave Hours:

Selket and Neith (Sanctum of Restriction & Sanctum of Blue Eye)

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 180, align: center"]
[TD]14:30 - 16:00 (90 mins)[/TD]
[TD]19:30 - 21:00 (90 mins)[/TD]
Anubis and Isis (Sanctum of Punishment & Sanctum of Atonement)

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 180, align: center"]
[TD]16:30 - 18:00 (90 mins)[/TD]
[TD]22:30 - 24:00 (90 mins)[/TD]
Haroeris andSeth (Sanctum of Immortality & Sanctum of Dark)

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 180, align: center"]
[TD]18:30 - 20:00 (90 mins)[/TD]
[TD]23:30 - 01:00 (90 mins)[/TD]

⌚ Medusa Hours:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 180, align: center"]

⌚ Roc Hours:

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 170, align: center"]
[TD]Every Tuesday 21:00[/TD]
Info: Roc room will remain open for 3 hours. If the Roc is not get killed during this time the room entrance will be closed.
Items that you cant get from special npc by Gold:

[TABLE="width: 480, align: center"]
[TD="align: left"]■ Tablets

[TD="align: left"]■ GDF (2 INT 2 STR)

[TD="align: left"]■ Job Penalty Remove

[TD="align: left"]■ Guild Penalty Remove

[TD="align: left"]■ Dimenson Hole (Forgotten World) (1* - 2* - 3* - 4*)

[TD="align: left"]■ Magic Lucky Powder with 2x Retention Rate (Also drop from Medusa)



In-Game Restrictions:

Quests: You can actively get all quests without any restriction.

Inhibitons: In the town you can't drop anything to the ground or pick it from the ground.

Global Lvl: Only 20 level and higher chars are allowed to use global chat with 30 secs cool down limit.

Exhange Restriction: Only 20 levele and higher chars are allowed to send exchange requests and accept with 30 secs cool down limit.

Stall Restriction: Only 20 level and higher chars are allowed to set stall with 30 secs cool down limit.

Reverse Restriction: Only 20 level and higher chars are allowed to use revers. Until 20 level you can use Guard npc's instead of Reverse.




Black Pearl Online Game Rules:

Rules of our servers are as follows, in case of violation of the rules we will perform temporary or permenent account or chat ban.

Any kind of profanity and discourse regarding family, religious, political, racist, spiritual and sacred values is prohibited on global chat.

All actions regarding provocation and spreading false rumors about the server or server team members is prohibited.

It is forbidden for players who have decided to leaving the server to make item distribution events on the global chat and to be in disturbing conversations about the game.

it is forbidden to advertise other servers in the game and to encourage players to leave the server.

It is forbidden gain unfair advantage or superiority by using some of the exploits in the game. When such a problem is found, it must be reported to the game management.

Proxy usage is prohibited, accounts are found to be using proxy will be blocked permanently including their main accounts. Denunciations about proxies are not accepted, we will track and ban them by ourselves.

All players are responsible for their own accounts and the safety of their accounts. B.P. Team does not accept any responsibility in this matter and will not interfere in any way with such a situation.

In case of forgetting any information about the game account (secret question, mail, password ...) game management will definitely not be interfered in any way, please do not have any requests in this direction.

Cancellation or exchange of any product accidental or mistakenly received from itemmal or npc will not be possible as long as the problem does not originate from us.

We will definitely not provide any support regarding to the installation, bot usage and bot problems, and the requests on this side will be ignored.

Black Pearl Online reserves the right to change rules, add rules and remove rules when necessary.

P.S.: In an important or urgent case please kindly contact us through our forum page or website by ticket system. T
he communication requests requested via the global chats in the game will be ignored.



In-Game Events:

Event 1:
Share and win event which its details shared on our Facebook page. 10 players will be given 500 silks with raffle.

There will be more events shared with you in the coming days.


Game Support:

If you need game-related support, you can contact us through these channels.

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BlackPearlOnlineR

Websitemiz: http://en.sunshine.blackpearlonline.org

Forum Page: https://www.maxigamerz.com/bp


Download Links:

After downloaded the file if you get curropted file error you should re-download it.

These links are valid for both beta and final game client. Later there will be some patches regarding to some visual improvements.

Link 1: https://files.fm/u/gbv2wxhc

Link 2: http://dosya.co/9jr4rtxwkng5/BP110.rar.html

Link 3: https://mega.nz/#!zZxhRTrb!APgQNew2AM5-nJ5FRXEBLiRDAuDQaxZ2jOtgPU_ebaM

Wish you have fun on Black Pearl Online.


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