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23 Ağu 2011
Bazıları argolu ama olsun :D

It comes from hay, and it goes to huy.

We swim, we swim and we came to the tail.

He said hık and he fell from his nose.

If somebody sh.ts persistantly he will eventually make a hole on the wall.

It is impossible to have two watermelons in one seat.

The faster horses sh.t falls down seperately.

They asked to the camel, why your neck is curved, which part of me is straight he answered.

The home made calculation doesn't fit to the market.

The bor's market has passed, drive the donkey to Niğde.

The mountain doesn't meet the mountain but people meet people.

The unwilling sex will result as a noseless child.

If you wash a dead person too much he will eventually fart or sh.t.

You can't have a wedding without a kamber.

The number of the sheep you have shaved is equivalent to the number of the shepherd I f.cked.

The sergeant who doesn't know about their jobs, turn back and grab their asses.

In the place where there is no sheep, they call all the goats Abdurrahman Çelebi.

The Dikmen of Ankara if I come again f.ck me.
anlamlarınıda yazsaydın daha güzel olabilirdi.

It comes from hay, and it goes to huy. -
Haydan gelen huya gider

We swim, we swim and we came to the tail. -
Yüzdük yüzdük kuyruğuna geldik ( sanırım. )

He said hık and he fell from his nose. -
Hık demiş burnundan düşmüş :DAS:D )

If somebody sh.ts persistantly he will eventually make a hole on the wall.

It is impossible to have two watermelons in one seat. -
İki karpuz bir koltuğa sığmaz ( galiba böyleydi :D )

The faster horses sh.t falls down seperately. -
Hızlı giden atın b*ku seyrek düşer

They asked to the camel, why your neck is curved, which part of me is straight he answered. -
Deveye sormuşlar bla bla.

The home made calculation doesn't fit to the market. -
Evdeki hesap çarşıya uymadı olması lazım

The bor's market has passed, drive the donkey to Niğde.
Geçti Bor'un pazarı sür eşeği Niğde'ye

The mountain doesn't meet the mountain but people meet people. -
Dağ dağa kavuşmaz insan insana kavuşur olabilir.

The unwilling sex will result as a noseless child. -
Gönülsüz seksten burunsuz çocuk doğar :D

If you wash a dead person too much he will eventually fart or sh.t. -
lüyü fazla yıkarsan ya osurur ya sıçar :D

You can't have a wedding without a kamber. -
Kambersiz düğün olmaz

The number of the sheep you have shaved is equivalent to the number of the shepherd I f.cked. -
Bunu boş verin :D

The sergeant who doesn't know about their jobs, turn back and grab their asses. -
şini bilmeyen çavuşlar döner k*çını avuçlar :D

In the place where there is no sheep, they call all the goats Abdurrahman Çelebi. -
oyunun olmadığı yerde keçiye Abdurrahman Çelebi derler

The Dikmen of Ankara if I come again f.ck me. -
Ankara'nın Dikmen'i bir daha gelirsem ---- :D
If somebody sh.ts persistantly he will eventually make a hole on the wall. - Azimle mıçan taşı deler.