MaxiGuard Client v3.5 & GameServer DLL v2.5 have been released, you can find under Downloads page.
- Added Premium Options page.
> You may prevent characters to use FGW Stones if they don't have Premium.
> You may prevent characters to register to CTF/BA if they don't have Premium.
> You may prevent characters to play Magic POP if they don't have Premium.
> You may prevent characters to use some teleports if they don't have Premium.
> You may set a special login capacity for those with Premium. After the threshold is reached, only accounts with Premium will be allowed to login, while others get traffic error.
- Added Trigger Options page.
> You may give detailed rewards for characters after Battle Arena is over.
> Using Unique Kill trigger, you can do anything you like when someone kills a Unique Monster.
> Using Unique Spawn trigger, you can do anything you like when a Unique Monster appears.
> Using Job Exp Earned trigger, you can do anything you like when someone earns Job EXP.
> Using Job Suit Equipped trigger, you may prevent user to equip a Job Suit.
> Using Job Suit Removed trigger, you may prevent user to remove a Job Suit.
> Using Job Leave trigger, you may prevent user leaving a Job.
> Using Job Join trigger, you may prevent user joining a Job.
> Using Teleport trigger, you can have complete control over teleports and prevent user from teleporting.
> Using Spawn Complete trigger, you can get notified when a character is done spawning process and do anything you like.
- Added Discord Integration page.
Discord Integration page is added without requiring a DLL and working on Windows Vista.
To use Discord Integration:
1. Go to and login.
2. Click New Application and create an application. The name you give to your application will be shown in status as "Playing XXX".
3. Get your Client ID in your application page and enter it to the corresponding area in MaxiGuard Panel.
4. To add pictures, go to Rich Presence > Art Assets and add small/big pictures.
5. Give names to your assets. Then enter these names into corresponding areas in MaxiGuard panel.
6. Adjust the rest of the settings to your liking and integration is done.
- Added options for Daily FGW IP/PC Limit. It works by checking the usage of last 24 hours. If you want to reset it at a fixed time, you can truncate _DailyFGWLimit table.
- Added a new page to modify Chat Colors.
- Added an option to prevent Exchange usage while in combat.
- Added an option to prevent Exit/Restart usage while in combat.
- Added an option to prevent Stall usage while in combat.
- Added an option to prevent Teleport usage while in combat.
- Added on option to destroy Trade pet when a character is logged out/DC'd in battlefield.
- Added on option to fix Exchange's Animation Cancelling fast attack bug.
- Unique History & Chest Pages have been increased to 10 Pages. Added a "Take All" button to Chest.
- Added option to prevent party bans in specified regions.
- Added option to revive exactly where characters died in specified regions. No matter what they die from, they can get up where they died.
- Added option to whitelist Items in specific regions. If you add a region to this setting, only allowed Items will be usable, rest will be blocked.
- Added option to whitelist Skills in specific regions. If you add a region to this setting, only allowed Skills will be usable, rest will be blocked.
- Added a procedure to set PVP states of characters live. (_SetFreePVPState). You can use this procedure to give any cape color to character in game live.
- The Item block settings will now also apply to Premium's Scrolls.
- Added a few new buttons to Game Management page. You may remove all X bans and clean the chat window ingame.
- Guild Icons not showing when logged in via bots bug is fixed.
How to get the update?
1. Close your game modules and your filters.
2. In server side, change MaxiGuardGS.dll from the new GameServer package.
3. In client side, change MaxiGuard.dll from the new Client package.
4. There's no need to change any other file. Don't forget to send MaxiGuard.dll to your players via Launcher Update.
5. Start your filters.
Getting the new update is not mandatory, however some new features won't work until you get it.