Aile kurulumu
Aile kurabilmek için şehir haritasından bir spot / alan satın almanız gerekir.
You can buy an HQ directly on the Family Creation page by the default price, which is: $ 25,000,000.
Aile Kurmak için şartlar
- Aile ismi: en az iki karakter, en fazla 12 karakterden oluşmalı ve rakam bulunmamalı.
- Seviye : Kurucunun Local Chief ve üstü olması gerekiyor.
- Koruma : Kurucunun en az 5 korumaya sahip olması gerekiyor.
- Para : Kurucunun aile kurması için 25.000.000 Dolar parası olması gerekiyor.
- Konaklama : Kurucunun bir apartman dairesi veya villası olması gerekiyor.
- Silah : Silahsız bir kurucu düşünülemez.
- Mermi : Kurucunun en az 10.000 mermisi olması gerekiyor.
- Aile kurarken 48 saat korumada olamazsın.
Her yeni aile seviye 1’den başlar,bunun anlamı ise;
- 25 kişilik aile kapasitesi
- Küçük ebatlı yıkıcı ve dönüştürücü anlamları taşıyan araba çeviricisi kiralama imkanı
Bu senin ilk spotun, ilk spotun maliyeti biraz fazla.
- Bos karargah spotu : $25,000,000
- Ticari karargah spotu: $30,000,000 + objenin kâri
Maliyeti dusurmek icin bir takim olup spotu basmalisiniz!
- Eger spot korunmasi 90% ise, suanki kârin sadece 90%i + baslangic ucreti olan $30,000,000 odersin.
- Eger spot korunmasi 80% ise, suanki kârin sadece 80%i + baslangic ucreti olan $30,000,000 odersin.
- Eger spot korunmasi 70% ise, suanki kârin sadece 70%i + baslangic ucreti olan $30,000,000 odersin.
Eger obje korunmasi 0% ise spotun maliyeti sadece $30,000,000 olacak.
Ornek 2: Bir spot almak istiyorsun ama zarar ediyor. Sansli gununde olmalisin!
$30,000,000 olan spot parasini odersin ve indirim alirsin! Mesela slot makinesi -$500,000 zararda
$30,000,000 - $500,000 = $29,500,000
Ailenizi Büyütmek
- Boş Merkez Üssü: 12.500.000 $
- İş Merkez Üssü: 20.000.000 $ + objenin karı

Vergiler,karlar ve kapanan objeler
Bullet Factory
Recieves 100% of the money of the sold bullets as profit.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Bullet Factory is out of business or bankrupt the owner can't produce any bullets. The players can still buy bullets, IF there are bullets left in the Bullet Factory
Roulette Table, Number Game, Slotmachine, Blackjack Table & Punto Banco Table
Recieves 100% of the profit made.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the casino is out of business or bankrupt the casino will be closed down and can't make any profit. The players can't gamble on this casino till it's opened again.
Narcotic warehouse
Recieves 1% of the every Narcotics deal made in the city it's located.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Narcotic warehouse is out of business or bankrupt, the Narcotic warehouse will be closed down and can't make any profit. The players don't pay the 1% taxes when the Narcotic warehouse is out of business or bankrupt.
Booze warehouse
Recieves 2% of the every Booze deal made in the city it's located.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Booze warehouse is out of business or bankrupt the Booze warehouse will be closed down and can't make any profit. The players don't pay the 2% taxes when the Booze warehouse is out of business or bankrupt.
Recieves 10% of the every money transfer that is done in the city it's located.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Bank is out of business or bankrupt the Bank will be closed down and can't make any profit. The players won't have to pay any taxes in the city where the bank is located if the bank is closed down.
Construction company
Recieves 100% of all construction work done in the city.
- When spot owners buy spot protection.
- When players buy an appartment, house of villa, or villa upgrades.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Construction company is out of business or bankrupt the Construction Company will be closed down and can't make any profit. When a spot owner buys protection or a player buys a house and the spot is closed down the money is taken by the Local Mob.
Recieves 100% of all the blood sold in the city it's located.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Hospital is out of business or bankrupt the Hospital will be closed down and can't make any profit. When a player buys bloods and the spot is closed down the money is taken by the Local Mob.
Poker basement
Recieves 5% or 10% of all the poker games started in the city it's located.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Poker basement is out of business or bankrupt the Poker basement will be closed down and can't make any profit. Players won't be able to start a poker table if the Poker basement is closed down in the city where the player wants to create it. If one Poker basement of 5% spot is closed down in the city, and the other Poker basement spot is still running, it still makes 5% profit.
Travel agency
Recieves 50% of all the travel tickets sold in the city it's located.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Travel agency is out of business or bankrupt the Travel agency will be closed down and can't make any profit. When a player travels from a city where the Travel agency is closed down 100% of the ticket price will go to the Local Mob.
Detective agency
Recieves 100% of all the detectives who are hired in the city it's located.
When raided to zero 0% the object will be out of business.
When the owner can't pay out the raid, the object will be bankrupt.
When the Detective agency is out of business or bankrupt the Detective agency will be closed down and can't make any profit. When a player hires detectives in the city where the Detective agency is closed down 100% of the money spend on detectives will go to the Local Mob
When all spots in a certain city are taken no new families will be able to start.
Cheaters are a pain in the ass for all players and therefore we do not want them to join our family's... because this has the following consequences when they get caught:
- When a member is punished the family also loses a part of its gained level.
- When a member is A-killed the family loses all the progress which that member contributed to the family.
- When the family loses so much value that it sinks under the required level for a curtain unlock the family has to purchase that item again prior to first rank up to the desired level again. </br>
- When the Boss/Don of the omerta family is adminkilled his/her family will be removed from the game!!
Godfather and CD need to be at least 100% bruglione
Without unlockables Godfather needs $25M capomoney to promote
Without unlockables Capos needs $17.5M and TOP needs $20M to promote
When a capo hands over his spot he will lose ALL of his capomoney. !
When a fam boss hands over the family to his succesor he will lose 50% of his capomoney !
Fam buster
- The family Buster is apointed by the family boss (don)
- Family Busters have an increased chance of busting family out of jail (5%).
- The consig can set a certain amount of money which the family buster will get after each successful bustout. (max 50.000)
The Boss of the family with the highest fam worth in a city will become Capo Di Tutti Capi.
The benefits are:
- a 25% discount on hiring detectives for all members of the family
- The boss can search players in his city
there are 3 options:
- For $10.000 the boss can see if a player is presently in his city.
- For $80.000 de boss gets a list from all famless players in his city.
- For $100.000 the boss gets a list of all players in his city.
Every family can choose from a range of unlockables to reduce cost, and unlock options for bussines objects and capodecinas.
You can choose from 5 sections: Family, Successors, Don, Capodecinas and Business, it is up to you to decide what is most important.
It is not possible to skip levels so when you want to unlock for example: Family level 2 you need to unlock Family level 1 first.
- When unlocking a crusher you get access to all levels
- 1 Allow Expansion $ 0 Bought
- 2 Set a second successor $ 7,500,000
- 3 Unlock crusher $ 15,000,000
- 4 Set a family buster & hammer $ 5,000,000
- If successor is not a capo he needs to be in Don regime or be Sottocapo/Consiglieri
- 1 Allow sottocapo or consiglieri to be successor (Doesn't lose any Capomoney) $ 12,500,000
- 2 Allow capo to be successor (But loses all Capomoney) $ 12,500,000
- 3 Allow capo to be successor (Only loses half Capomoney) $ 17,500,000
- 4 Allow capo to be successor (Doesn't lose any Capomoney) $ 25,000,000
- Without unlockables Godfather needs $25M capomoney to promote - 50% of Godfather capomoney needed will always grant don to be Capodecina
- 1 Capomoney for don promote to Godfather reduced from $25M to $20M $ 12,500,000
- 2 Capomoney for don promote to Godfather reduced from $20M to $15M $ 25,000,000
- Without unlockables Capos and TOP needs $20M to promote
- 1 Allow Sottocapo to promote to Capodecina $ 25,000,000
- 2 Allow Consiglieri to promote to Capodecina $ 25,000,000
- 3 Allow capos to promote to Capodecina $ 25,000,000
- 4 Capomoney for Sottocapo/Consiglieri promote to Capodecina reduced from $20M to $15M $ 15,000,000
- 5 Capomoney for capo promote to Capodecina reduced from $17.5M to $12.5M $ 15,000,000
- 6 Regime strength needed for Capodecina/Godfather reduced from 2000 to 1500 $ 50,000,000
- 7 Regime strength needed for Capodecina/Godfather reduced from 1500 to 750 $ 75,000,000
- Buying 40% and 50% in one go will cost you more
- 1 Get a discount of 25% on raid lookups $ 15,000,000
- 2 Reset costs for an object will reduce from 25% to 20% $ 15,000,000
- 3 Get a discount of 25% while buying protection $ 25,000,000
- 4 Option to buy 40% protection in 1 go $ 20,000,000
- 5 Get a discount of 50% on raid lookups $ 25,000,000
- 6 Reset costs for an object will reduce from 20% to 15% $ 17,500,000
- 7 Get a discount of 50% while buying protection $ 50,000,000
- 8 Option to buy 50% protection in 1 go $ 35,000,000
- 9 Reset costs for an object will reduce from 15% to 10% $ 17,500,000
- 10 Reset costs for an object will reduce from 10% to 5% $ 20,000,000
- 11 Allow members to raid own family spots $ 75,000,000