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Rules of Survival 28.03.2018 Güncellemesi - İngilizce Yama Notları

  • Konuyu başlatan Konuyu başlatan xTrip
  • Başlangıç tarihi Başlangıç tarihi


OldSchool Player
28 Tem 2016
Attention Survivors:

To bring you a better gaming experience, Rules of Survival will un dergo an update on Mart 28. Check maintenance times below to see when it takes place in your region.

UTC : 07:00 – 09:00, 28 Mart 2018
UTC+3 (İstanbul, Moskova): 10:00 – 12:00, 28 Mart 2018

Completion time is an estimate and may run longer longer, but we will do our best to get back up and running ASAP.

This week’s update will include the following new content:

1. New Content
-Two saturation display settings have been added to the settings interface, “Standard” and “Vivid.”
-Ranking points now available in Blitzkrieg Mode, which are compiled in Solo Mode.
-Music added at the end of the game for players that rank 2-5.

2.General Experience
-Optimized the sound effects of vehicle horns.
-Optimized the Red Packet feature by reducing positioning errors when they are thrown from the second floor.

-Optimized the labels on the Looks and Store pages.
-Optimized the layout of the Settings page.

4.Bug Fixes
-Fixed the incoherent body movements of characters when they stand up from the prone position.