Black Pearl
Yıllardır Silkroadla ilgili tüm gelişmeleri aylar öncesinden öğrendiğimiz silkroadsecrets adlı blog artık paylaşımlarını durdurmuş
Hi. As you all probably noticed by now the blog is not getting updates since months. This is mainly because the SRO scene is kinda dead already, Joymax isn't doing any progress nor important updates that are worth mentioning.
I also didn't pay much attention to the blog as I'm kinda moving away from SRO.
So this is a goodbye post. Babbe left years ago and I'm doing the same.
It was great while it lasted, and for everyone who stills enjoy Silkroad, do it as much as you can, not many people is able to enjoy it after so many years (myself).
Thanks for your support during the last years, and have a great life!
Hi. As you all probably noticed by now the blog is not getting updates since months. This is mainly because the SRO scene is kinda dead already, Joymax isn't doing any progress nor important updates that are worth mentioning.
I also didn't pay much attention to the blog as I'm kinda moving away from SRO.
So this is a goodbye post. Babbe left years ago and I'm doing the same.
It was great while it lasted, and for everyone who stills enjoy Silkroad, do it as much as you can, not many people is able to enjoy it after so many years (myself).
Thanks for your support during the last years, and have a great life!