Weapon Prefix
Relentless Enchant Scroll1-1.5kkMisty Summit, Ship Grevyard,Crescent Moon Island- 70-80
Adjusted Enchant Scroll150-250kGremlin Lair, Blood Lord , Hoarfrost Hollow in Flames , Yeti King
Enhanced Enchant Scroll150-200kColhen in Flames , Rescue , Blood Lord , Hoarfrost Hollow in Flames
Explosive Enchant Scroll 350-500k Taking Initiative, The Secret Naughty Chamber,Ship Graveyard,Twilight Desert,Moonlight Peak
Gallant Enchant Scroll150-250k Ruins of Sanctity , Irukul Hero Mod'dan düşer
Hateful Enchant Scroll250-400kBlood Lord, Hoarfrost Hollow in Flames,Greedy Kobold,Revived Fear,Shadowed &DarknessYeti King Hero ModeBig Horn Yeti ,Moonlight Peak
Impending Enchant Scroll250-400k Two Moons,Source of the Rumor
Intense Enchant Scroll250-350kThe Contract,Rocky Wilderness, Blood Lord, Hoarfrost Hollow in Flames
Leopard's Enchant Scroll300-500kColru the Golem , Earthborn Seal, Ship Grevyard(70-80)
Ornate Enchant Scroll150-200k Regrets...Too Late, Blood Lord, Hoarfrost Hollow in Flames
Prideful Enchant Scroll150-200kPiercing the Crescent Moon, Town Engulfed,Blood Prince,Remnants
Nimble Enchant Scroll150-250kFrost Stones,Source of the Rumor,Pursuit Hero Modlardan Düşer.
Brave Enchant Scroll100-150kTaking Initiative
Twinkling Enchant Scroll300-500kColru the Golem, Frostborn Seal
Consistent Enchant Scroll150-250kGatekeeper of the Catacombs,Secret Naughty Chamber,Silent Blade,The Inverse Blade
Decisive Enchant Scroll150-250kCulprit Behind the Disturbance,Kobold Chief,Prepare for Counterattack
Righteous Enchant Scroll10-13kkSerpent King Lakoria,The Pinnacle,God of Death,From the Depths 70 - 80
Immoral Enchant Scroll10-13kkSerpent King Lakoria,Death's Shadow,Gates Of Hell ,Burning Temple,Princess of the Desert 70-80
Weapon Suffix
Bloodlust Enchant Scroll300 -500kPrepare for Counterattack,Regrets...Too Late,Kobold Chief,Moonlight Peak(50-69 Treasure chest)
Divine Enchant Scroll750- 1.5kkColru the Golem,Timeless Rage,Moonlight Peak
Maelstorm Enchant Scroll1-1.5kkLost Road,Ocean Scent,Patrolling the Depths,Prairie Gnoll,Ship,M.Peak
Valor Enchant Scroll300-500kFruitful, Trampled Plains,Prepare Counterattack
Change Enchant Scroll100kTimeless Rage, What the Dead Leave Behind
Dominance Enchant Scroll100-250kThe Weeping Queen, Fate and Destiny,Misty summit,Moon
Judgment Enhanct Scroll6-8kkJuggernaut ,God of Death 70 - 80 Gates of Hell 70 - 80
Conviction Enchant Scroll1-3kkDeath's Shadow ,Burning Temple,The Pinnacle 70 - 80
Shield Prefix
Invincible Enchant Scroll100-150k White Tyrant's Challenge
Resilient Enchant Scroll100-150k Windgun, Madness
Extreme Enchant Scroll100kGatekeeper of the Catacombs,Sewers,The Inverse Blade,Where the Road Leads, Where the Sun Don't Shine, Silent Blade
Fresh Enchant Scroll1-3kkGuardian,Desolate Malina,Gates of Hell,Burning Temple 70 - 80
Shield Suffix
Diamond Enchant Scroll100-150kThe Evil One,Frostborn Seal
Kobold Enchant Scroll100k Another Slingshot
Spellbook Suffix
Chaos Enchant Scroll100k Fomorian Order,Proof of Courage,Moonlight Peak 30-49 Kutular
Tüm Çeşit Zırhlar İçin Prefix/Suffix
Master Enchant Scroll300-350kRocktune's Cabin,Final Slingshot Hero Mode
Tutelary Enchant Scroll100-250k The Evil One,Timeless Rage
Well-Balance Enchant Scroll1-2.5kkThe Evil One,Fate and Destiny
Enthusiastic Enchant Scroll4-6kkGatekeeper of the Catacombs,Secret Naughty Chamber,Silent Blade,The Inverse Blade
Armadillo Enchant Scroll150-300kStrong Drink,Earthborn Seal
Force Enchant Scroll500-1 kk The Contract,Avatar of Destruction
Fury Enchant Scroll100-150kGatekeeper of the Catacombs,Source of the Rumor
İllusion Enchant Scroll100kKobold Chief
Sentinel Enchant Scroll1-1.5kk The Contract,Patrolling the Depths
Resistant Enchant Scroll100-250k Gatekeeper of the Catacombs Hero Mode,Secret Naughty Chamber,Silent Blade Hero Mode,Inverse Bl.
Zeal Enchant Scroll100kDecisive Battle
Enlightenment's Enchant Scroll10-13kkSezon2 Raidleri
Silent Enchant Scroll3-5kkSezon2 Raidleri
Journey Enchant Scroll500-1kkSezon2 Raidleri
Declaration Enchant Scroll5-8kkSezon2 Raidleri
Remembering Enchant Scroll3-5kkSerpent King Lakoria,God of Death,The Pinnacle 70 - 80
Reiterating Enchant Scroll8-10kkSezon2 Raidleri
Expedition Enchant Scroll1-2kkSerpent King Lakoria,Death's Shadow,Desolate Malina 70 - 80
Echo Enchant Scroll10-13kkDeath's Shadow,Guardian,God of Death 70 - 80
Time's Enchant Scroll500k-2kkSerpent King Lakoria,The Pinnacle 70 - 80
Stigma Enchant Scroll500k-1.5kkSerpent King Lakoria,From the Depths,Guardian,Princess of the Desert ,Desolate Malina 70-80
Accessories Prefix
Fast Enchant Scroll1-2.5kkGive A Beggar A Coin, Gatekeeper of the Catacombs(Hero).Misty Summit.moonlight peak70-80
Significant Enchant Scroll500-750k68 lvl görevinde verilir.
Storng Enchant Scroll150-200k66 lvl görevinde verilir.
Warlord's Enchant Scroll700-1kkİrukul(Hero mod)Ship Graveyard,Moonlight Peak (70-80)
Berserker Enchant Scroll 250-350k Weeping Queen, Frostborn Seal,MoonLight,Mistysummit
Healthy Enchant Scroll100-250k67 lvl görevinde verilir
Passion Enchant Scroll1.5-2kk 69 lvl görevinden verilir.
CrescentMoonLight's Enchant Scroll1-1.5kkCrescent Moon Island Kutulardan düşer
Twilight Enchant Scroll600-1.5kk Ship Grevyard,Crescent Moonlight
TheDead Enchant Scroll2-3kkShip Graveyard
Starlight Enchant Scroll6 -8kkTwilight Desert70 - 80 (Undergound Sparkling Box)
Noble Enchant Scroll30-40kkTwilight Desert70 - 80 (Undergound Sparkling Box ve Charles Race 5nd son sandık)
Subdued Enchant Scroll3-3.5kkMisty Summit ,Moonlight Peak 70 - 80 lvl
Explorer's Enchat Scroll6-8kkCharles Expedition 70 - 80 lvl Son açılan charles pouch.
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